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The Law of Vibration

Taken from a book collaborated by myself, Sharon Coody and Michael Smith - The Twelve Profitable Laws of the Universe


7/19/20245 min read

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brown piano interior keys

Taken from a book collaborated by myself, Sharon Coody and Michael Smith - The Twelve Profitable Laws of the Universe

While doing research for this book, there was a basic consensus of what the twelve universal laws are and then there are many optional lists. One writer we researched even wrote about the 12 Universal Laws and the 21 Sub Laws. No wonder people can be confused!!

What about when you are trying to share and grow with another individual or group of people and you are working from the assumption that you are on the same wave length. I bet if you asked them, you would find out their list of Universal Laws are not the same as yours. Our objective was to simplify the concepts and to provide simple, practical ways to apply these concepts to make our lives what we want them to be. For each of the twelve laws, we have included specific questions, suggestions, and exercises to help you achieve YOUR goals, both spiritual and physical, with regard to the activities and situations in your life which are governed by that law.

The Second Law: Law of Vibration

States that anything that exists in the Universe, whether seen or unseen, viewed in it’s purest and basic form, is energy or light that resonates a vibration which exists as frequency or pattern. Vibrations are the smallest particles known to mankind. Light, thought, spoken and written word, sounds, the Earth itself are vibration. Each planet, our Solar system, the known and unknown Universe, everything within is a collection of atoms and subatomic particles vibrating at a frequency unique unto itself. Nothing rests; each and everything moves; each and everything vibrates. The Law of Vibration is the fertilization that births manifestation; it is a constant state of motion continuously transmitting signals into the Universe.

Websters: : a periodic motion of the particles of an elastic body or medium in alternately opposite directions from the position of equilibrium when that equilibrium has been disturbed (as when a stretched cord produces musical tones or molecules in the air transmit sounds to the ear)b : the action of vibrating : the state of being vibrated or in vibratory motion: as (1) : oscillation (2) : a quivering or trembling motion : quiver

2: an instance of vibration

3: vacillation in opinion or action : wavering

4a : a characteristic emanation, aura, or spirit that infuses or vitalizes someone or something and that can be instinctively sensed or experienced —often used in pluralb : a distinctive usually emotional atmosphere capable of being sensed —usually used in plural

The saying “like energy attracts like energy” or how about this one “it is what it is” both are confirmation of the Law of Vibration. Everything that is felt – experienced with our physical senses (touch, taste, smell, hearing and sight) is received through vibrations. Take a moment and reflect to a time when you may have stated one or both of the phrases: what was the dominant sensation in your body? It is what it is however is doesn’t have to be!

Imagine that you were gifted with a magic wand!!! Totally awesome… This rocks… I am invincible… A few thoughts that may drift through your conscious, they certainly coursed through mine. Take a moment and sit down, are you sitting, You are the Magic Wand. If you desire more love in your life, give love. If you need more money, give more money. If you want success, help others to achieve success. Applying the principles of vibration with conscious awareness manifests miracles, builds bridges, moves mountains and frees the soul. You, you are the magic wand with all the power for your life. Remember the Law of Vibration applies to everything and anything stated, written, thought, felt, seen, tasted, or heard whether engaged in active or passive participation. The next time you watch or listen to a news report ask of self, what do I feel in this moment and why? What vibrations am I experiencing in this moment and are these vibrations of Love, Fear, Anger, Joy? Now, change the vibration by adding love, mentally and energetically offer compassion and elevate the frequency of exchange.

Have you ever been in a rut? Have you experienced days, weeks, months or God forbid years of same old same old? Without going any further in this chapter and without seeking any training if, you believe the Law of Vibration exists then take action.

It has often proved difficult to truly capture the essence of this law; it is a large concept to wrap one’s mind around. Laughter is one of the actions which for me truly defined how to practice and apply this Law to daily life. Crying also is a wonderful way to feel the vibration frequency fluctuations, surges, and reductions. When understanding dines with activation the ability to enjoy the meal of life amplifies. We all are living this Law on a daily basis. Some make a concerted effort each day focusing on positive thoughts, words and actions and some are following a long established routine. Work, home, sleep and repeat and repeat and repeat. Consider the previous week and complete a review of the day parts (morning, midday and evening). View self in each; remember the sensations, those physical and emotional feelings. Ask those questions of self that generate conscious thought! The most important question that I ask of self is WHY? Why did I react that way, why was that feeling so strong, why do I agree with, why do I disagree with, Why? A powerful word that when given energy (thought, words, etc...) instantly responds with multi-tiered rays of vibration that from within and into the within.

Conscious choice of attitude, words or deeds coupled with awareness of the energetic vibration being conveyed is verification at least for me that this Law exists. The Law of Vibration applies to everything that you are, think, believe, intend, state or act. When positive emotions such as happiness, joy, and love, are being felt and sensed that is when you are vibrating in harmony with desire and goals. Name a goal that you have, take a few moments and reflect upon this goal (homeownership, new relationship, healthier life, etc…): do you take action on this goal; do you think of this goal, is there a written a plan or outline, if not – why not, can you see the achievement of this goal, What does that look like, do you feel the energy increasing even now? This is the Law of Vibration in effect simply through thought. The power of this Law is unparalleled, wherein thought alone has the strength to move mountains, transcend space and time while opening new channels of action and thought. As above so below, garbage in garbage out applies to the lower vibratory frequencies. If you are experiencing negative emotions such as anger, fear, nervousness, shame or anxiety this Law indicates that you are out of balance and vibrating on a lower frequency. This is where laughter and crying may offer an instant self attitude adjustment. Driving in heavy traffic and suddenly a car swerves in front of you. What do you do, put your phone down, spill your coffee, swear at the ^*^*^* that cut you off? May be you honk your horn or make some other gesture sending energy directly toward another? Question: In the above examples – what vibratory frequency is being offered? Is the reaction conducive to self peace, joy, and love? Conscious awareness of the vibrations and energies that we emit is integral to learning and mastering this law. To begin increasing your vibrations: focus attention by choosing consciously to place thoughts on positive emotions. Try this the next time you feel anger or frustration – simply smile inwardly and outwardly taking a deep breath and singing joy, joy, joy, I am Joy in your mind 3 or 4 times. Take another deep breath and thank self for the joy now being experienced. Repeat as often as possible this conscious action, you may well be amazed by the lightness of mood, the pleasure flowing inside and the response of others.

All life has within it the power to alter and change the conditions of that life. The higher vibrations will transmute, overshadow and consume the lower vibrations rendering them obsolete.