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My Background and Strengths
Deborah is a lifetime entrepreneur whose experience and expertise lie in areas as a private investigator, paralegal, mediator, life coach, handwriting therapist and a certified hypnosis practitioner. Being spiritually gifted and a natural intuitive(Christian Mystic and psychic/medium) gives her the ability to connect with people quickly.
Since 2014, Deborah has been the acting Executive Director for the Council of Families for Children, a 501(c)(3) devoted to families who have children dealing with mental health issues. Deborah is not only certified through the Council of Families for Coaching but is also one of their teachers for certifying other individuals as coaches and mentors.
Using a lifetime of experience and her incredible abilities as a public speaker and teacher, Deborah has had the opportunity to speak and teach to thousands of family members and professionals. By doing so, Deborah is also sharing with them, the needs of children and their caregivers when dealing with a mental illness and the concept of whole health – mind, body and soul.
Deborah is a contributing writer to Chicken Soup of the Soul: Children with Special Needs. Deborah has over 30 books available on and also helps others publish and promote their own books as well.
Besides her professional interests, Deborah is active in her community by serving as a child advocate and also providing pro bono services monthly to women in need.
Accredited Spiritual Coach
Accredited Communications Coach
Accredited Somatic Healing Coach
Accredited Grief Coach
Accredited Communication Coach
Accredited Spiritual Coach
Licensed Winslow Profiles Director
Licensed/Certified Coach Trainer and Curriculum Developer
Licensed/Certified Hypnosis Practitioner
Licensed NLP Master Practioner
Licensed Handwriting Formation Therapist/Trainer
National Trainer- Family Programs – Mental Health Field
Public Speaker
Published Author/Writer
Developer of C.H.U.N.K. – Using Your Core Emotional Response
Interactive, Intuitive Entertainer
Certified Small Business Mediator and Paralegal
Licensed Private Investigator/Continuing Education Instructor-PI Field
Personal Interviews:

Helping You Build the Stepping Stones for Life!