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The Law of Polarity
Taken from a book collaborated by myself, Sharon Coody and Michael Smith - The Twelve Profitable Laws of the Universe
7/24/20249 min read
Taken from a book collaborated by myself, Sharon Coody and Michael Smith - The Twelve Profitable Laws of the Universe
While doing research for this book, there was a basic consensus of what the twelve universal laws are and then there are many optional lists. One writer we researched even wrote about the 12 Universal Laws and the 21 Sub Laws. No wonder people can be confused!!
What about when you are trying to share and grow with another individual or group of people and you are working from the assumption that you are on the same wave length. I bet if you asked them, you would find out their list of Universal Laws are not the same as yours. Our objective was to simplify the concepts and to provide simple, practical ways to apply these concepts to make our lives what we want them to be. For each of the twelve laws, we have included specific questions, suggestions, and exercises to help you achieve YOUR goals, both spiritual and physical, with regard to the activities and situations in your life which are governed by that law.
The Tenth Law: Law of Polarity
The basic definition of polarity is diametrical opposition or an instance of such opposition. While none of my business associates experienced this during the course of writing this work book, we found that we could at times write our own definition of the Law of Chaos as there are so many ways to say the same thing. Or even worse, you can hit the target all around the center but never actually hit the bulls eye!! But we plunged on and here we are today. Sharing these concepts with you.
The Law of Polarity states that all things under the Universal Laws has its own polar opposite. yin/yang, is just one good example.
Within every failure there is potential for success. Everything in life has an equal opposite. It is up to us as to what side of this pole to experience. Yes, let me repeat that another way. I actually would say it is up to us to challenge and then decide for ourselves what side of this pole we will CHOOSE to experience. You can CHOOSE which side of the pole you want to experience life.
Without one we would not have the other. If we did not experience sadness we would not know enough to experience joy. Without pain we would not have pleasure. These polarities or polar opposites all work together for the greater good. We need only to understand this and appreciate this fact. Mastering The Law Of Polarity is necessary in achieving the sense of harmony, fulfillment and well being that you were born to experience in your life. A life experience absent of the Law of Polarity would deny you the ability to have this wonderfully, fulfilled life.
The Law Of Polarity was created and exists as a means to enable each of us to explore and experience life to the fullest. As an example, if what you perceive as bad did not exist, would you know when you were having a good experience? If poverty did not exist would you know what it was like to experience wealth? If failure did not exist would you know what it was to experience success? If there existed no such thing as death we could not fully enjoy and appreciate what it means to experience life.
We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations.
We live in a world of duality. However, these opposites have no absolutes, there is not one point where you can say one starts and the other begins, it is a scale range.
There are two poles or opposites; the difference between the two extremes of one thing is called polarity.
There are degrees of difference between the extremes or poles no absolutes. This laws states that, in fact, these opposites are simply different manifestations of the same thing!
Napoleon Hill, author of the classic Think and Grow Rich, wrote "Every adversity, every failure and every heartache carries with it the seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit."
"Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."--The Kybalion.
There is no good or bad, big or small. (My intuition tells me that some of you are still resisting this. Go back and read it again in a few days.) Law of Polarity is saying that these things are the same just on opposite sides of the spectrum. It is all in how we perceive them. So in essence, everything you are experiencing can be put into the perspective – What is the lesson and what is a positive take away I can embrace?
Mastery of the Law of Polarity requires learning how to maintain balance, focus, and detachment from the distractions of the material world.
The Law Of Polarity contains a full spectrum of possibility ranging from the extremely light to the extremely dark and any number of points in between. By developing this understanding and learning to fully accept and surrender to whatever may show up in your life in the way of events, conditions and circumstances and learning to understand that ALL THINGS, regardless of how perceived, work together for good, you will have made incredible progress in your given ability to mold, shape, and achieve a quality of life that you consciously desire to experience. The Law Of Polarity exists as a means to enable you to learn and discover that within every perceived problem lies its solution, within every perceived failure also lies to succeed.
ALL things including the events, conditions and circumstances experienced in EVERY aspect of your life are the result of consciousness . The quality of consciousness that you hold with regard to any given circumstance will determine, due to the unwavering and immutable Law Of Polarity which end of the spectrum you will experience. To change an existing circumstance to one that is more in harmony with a desired outcome it's only necessary to change the quality of consciousness which created the circumstance initially.
When you are able to fully grasp the unwavering truth of this reality and learn to accept personal responsibility for whichever end of the spectrum of polarity that you are experiencing you will have made one major and very crucial step forward in achieving what is known as self mastery.
What is extremely important to understand regardless of where you may currently find yourself in relation to the events, conditions and circumstances that your experiencing in your life, is that within each experience regardless of how it may be perceived lies the possibility as well as the ability to experience the polar opposite.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties, within that perceived hardship lies the ability to experience financial plenty simply by you making the choice to experience it. If you are currently experiencing difficult and unfulfilling relationships, within that situation lies the possibility of experiencing healthy and harmonious relationships by simply changing your mind with regard to it.
If you are experiencing illness and disease you also have within that situation the potential and possibility to experience vibrant health by making the conscious choice to do so.
The key is understanding that POTENTIAL that is available to you, just as easily as the experience you are currently experiencing.
Within ANY event, condition, or circumstance which you may be currently experiencing lies the opportunity as well as the probability of experiencing the opposite. The only thing that determines the likelihood of that probability or the end result, resides only in a choice. More specifically "Your Choice" as to which end of the spectrum that you will experience. The only determining factor which lies between these two seemingly opposite circumstances is what you believe to be true.
In reality there is no good or bad, right or wrong etc. but only Unconditional Love that states "whatsoever ye ask ye receive." This asking is done through the resonance or vibrational energy that we project and as a result determines what it is that we will receive or attract based on that resonance.
Put another way, what you place focus on serves as the seed and just as surely as as an acorn produces an Oak tree, your focus, more specifically, your predominant thoughts can and will only produce a harvest in exact correlation to the seed planted. Any other outcome is absolutely impossible and would defy EVERY law of nature.
You do have a choice to experience whichever end of the spectrum of polarity that you choose to experience. If you are experiencing what you perceive as unpleasant circumstances you only need change what is causing those circumstances within yourself.
The Law of Polarity exists without judgment and makes no determinations as to what you will experience but rather exists so that you might know what it means to fully experience life.
Understanding this, how do you go about experiencing the opposite? How is it that you can develop the belief necessary to experience the polar opposite of that which you are currently experiencing in your life? Through education and experience. One of the first and most important steps in this process is Self Awareness . Discovering who and what you "Truly" are and dispelling any false beliefs which are contrary to the limitless power provided to you.
The fastest and least painful path is to learn the life changing power of acceptance . Acceptance of whatever you may be currently experiencing acts as the polar opposite of resistance and will attract to you more of that which you consciously desire. Resistance in essence is placing your predominant focus on that which you choose not to experience and as a result of that focus is attracting to you more of that which you are resisting. Learn to accept and express sincere and heartfelt Gratitude for whatever your current experience may consist of and you will soon discover that those things which you choose not to experience will dissipate.
Just as pain and suffering exist so too does opportunity and betterment exist within the full spectrum of the Law Of Polarity. What you experience within that spectrum is only dependent on your choice and willingness to experience another outcome.
Like all Universal Law , you cannot change the fact that The Law Of Polarity exists. It always has and always will continue to exist into infinity. You cannot manipulate, fool, or escape it. Regardless of your depth of understanding of it or ignorance to it, it will continue to exist and operate with unfailing and unwavering certainty, non-prejudice in it's perfectly executed operation.
The Law of Polarity like all Universal Law is eternal. The good news is that through discovery and correct implementation you can learn to harmonize your thoughts, beliefs and actions with it which will provide you a life of Fulfillment, Joy, Profound Inner Peace and Limitless Prosperity in each and every area of your life.
What we choose to refer to as Abundance and Happiness.
deeply believe in universal principles running our personal and professional lives. I also believe that, in order to run your life or business effectively and with peace of mind, you need to have some basic knowledge about these universal principles.
An Example of the Law of Polarity in action
This is from my own life: (Deborah Rose) My husband left me and he left me for a man. I was the mother of two small children and we we also business partners together. He served me with divorce papers and an injunction to not be able to do business under our joint business name on my birthday. He took every dime out of our bank account and left the state. I had literally one dime in my purse. Yes, he had cleaned out my wallet as well.
It took me a while to see the positives…….. a very long while. But there wer many. Here are a few:
I learned that my children come first, not matter what and consequently, I was an excellent mother, even in times of crisis.
I was very good at business and had an excellent business reputation and was able to build a bigger and better business due to this, along with my creativity. My confidence has never waivered since this time.
I learned who my friends were and they still are, twenty years later.
I learned my mother really did love me and she was someone who I could count on as a mother and a friend.
I learned compassion, even for people who were hurting me and I learned what boundaries look like to protect myself while still feeling that compassion. Actually, the list goes on and on.
Would I have chosen this experience for myself? Of course not!! I am very grateful though for the lessons and the growth as a person it afforded me though and the first lesson was, my attitude made all the difference in the world. At first, I was too busy surviving to feel sorry for myself. When things started to slow down and I could take a deep breath, I found I didn’t WANT to feel bad or sad or mad. And that I really liked myself and my life a lot!!!
So……how bad was the divorce and ruined business, really? The initial circumstance was horrible but the benefits were immeasurable!!!
Try it in your own life, whether personally or professionally. Keep in mind that for everything “bad” there must be something “good”, and find it!
Remember, Swami Beyondananda has the following definition for succeeding: finding the seed in what sucks!
OR I like to say, everything is a lesson…. And how I choose to demonstrate life, sometimes lets me be the lesson for others.