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The law of Gender
Taken from a book collaborated by myself, Sharon Coody and Michael Smith - The Twelve Profitable Laws of the Universe
7/24/20246 min read
Taken from a book collaborated by myself, Sharon Coody and Michael Smith - The Twelve Profitable Laws of the Universe
While doing research for this book, there was a basic consensus of what the twelve universal laws are and then there are many optional lists. One writer we researched even wrote about the 12 Universal Laws and the 21 Sub Laws. No wonder people can be confused!!
What about when you are trying to share and grow with another individual or group of people and you are working from the assumption that you are on the same wave length. I bet if you asked them, you would find out their list of Universal Laws are not the same as yours. Our objective was to simplify the concepts and to provide simple, practical ways to apply these concepts to make our lives what we want them to be. For each of the twelve laws, we have included specific questions, suggestions, and exercises to help you achieve YOUR goals, both spiritual and physical, with regard to the activities and situations in your life which are governed by that law.
The Twelfth Law: Law of Gender
The law of gender manifests in all things as masculine and feminine. It is this law that governs what we know as creation. The law of gender manifests in the animal kingdom as sex. This law decrees everything in nature is both male and female. Both are required for life to exist.
“Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.”–The Kybalion.
This Universal Law embodies the truth that there is GENDER manifested in everything.
There is not one aspect of life that the Masculine and Feminine Principles are not at work. This is true on all three planes.
· The Physical Plane
· The Mental Plane
· The Spiritual Plane
On the Physical Plane, the Principle manifests as SEX, on the higher planes it takes higher forms, but the Principle is always, always, always the same.
It is impossible for creation to take place on the physical, mental or spiritual planes without this Law.
Everything has a yin and yang. On the physical plane each person has a male or female physical body, however psychologically each person is androgynous with male and female qualities. Each person has a left brain and right brain.
It is also the proper balance between the soul and the ego.
This is done by transcending negative ego, and hence, keeping the ego in check. You want to keep the ego in its proper balance and relationship to soul.
In other words, let the ego take care of the physical body, but not to a point that it interprets your life.
The closer and closer you move towards mastery, the more likely you will achieve this balanced state.
The only way to achieve this is by “knowing thyself”, and balances that govern our being.
It is also important to note that mental gender is not the same as physical gender nor does it suggest that someone of a certain physical gender necessarily has the same mental gender.
Ideally, one wants to have a balanced mental gender.
The Masculine principle is always in the direction of giving out or expressing, and contents itself with the “Will” in its varied phases.
The Feminine principle is always in the direction of receiving impressions, and has a much more varied field of operation than the Masculine. The Feminine conducts the work of generating new thoughts, concepts, and ideas, including the work of the imagination.
It is said that there must be a balance in these two forces. Without the Feminine, the Masculine is apt to act without restraint, order, or reason, resulting in chaos. The Feminine alone, on the other hand, is apt to constantly reflect and fail to actually do anything, resulting in stagnation. With both the Masculine and Feminine working in conjunction, there is thoughtful action that breeds success.
Even though we consider ourselves either male or female, we have both male and female aspects to ourselves. Some are more dominant that others, but they both exist none the less. The feminine is the soft sensibility and the masculine is the protective wage earner side. I am not saying that all woman are sensitive and incapable of being protective or to earn an income hear or vise versa. This just shows we are all capable of both.
Everywhere in nature you see both feminine and masculine aspects of the same. Plants, animals, minerals and many others. It takes both sides to create or to produce in nature. It is important to understand this so that we might become more in tune with the two sides and benefit from both.
The Most Important Thing To Know About this Law
In order for you to become capable of manifesting your desires in the physical world, you must first recognize your own completeness by consciously embracing and fully empowering both the masculine and feminine aspects within you with Love for themselves and the other. The most effective way to accomplish this is to come to understand the dynamics of this delicate and fundamental internal relationship. Once you examine both the masculine and feminine within your being, you will clearly understand how the relationship between the two is designing every relationship you experience in your outside world. Once you perfect the relationship between your masculine and feminine, by harmoniously uniting the qualities of their aspects within you, whereas they begin to work harmoniously and simultaneously within you, you will unleash the “All” perfected power that lives within you. You have within you the ability to become a conscious Master Creator and a unified, unstoppable, sustainable force in your world; after all, that is your birthright.
The most important thing you need to get from the law of gender, is that all things need time to grow, time to mature, time to sprout into being. We see this all through nature. It takes 9 months for a child to grow and be born into this world. All seeds must germinate before sprouting up. All ideas need time to sprout and grow.
What this law states that is important, is that all our hopes and dreams, all our goals, need time to gestate. Nothing happens instantly. If this happened, we would think of an anvil and next thing you know it would be falling down on our heads.
Think of your ideas, your hopes, dreams, and goals as a seed. When we plant a seed we must water it, tend to it, give it sunlight and fertilize it. Our hopes and dreams work the same way. We must tend to them and if we do this correctly and have faith that when the time is right they will sprout and begin to grow they will.
If, however, we become impatient and start to disturb the soil before the time is right, then we will see that the seedling had begun to sprout, but now is disturbed and will need more time and more nurturing to survive, otherwise it will die. Most people give up just before they succeed. Don’t let this be you. Have you heard the story about the gold miner that spent years panning at a location he was sure was full of gold, to stop panning only three feet away from payday. The next owner of the land of course, reaped all the benefits of this pore sap’s hard work. Don’t let this happen to you. Have faith in the Universal Law of Gender.
Everything has an incubation period before becoming actualized. Our intellectual thoughts are similar to plant seeds in that they also need time to grow and actualize.
When a woman is pregnant, she knows that it is only for a certain period of time and then she will have a baby. If she goes past her due date, she doesn’t panic and think the baby will never come. Instead, she gets more excited since she knows each passing day brings her even closer to having the baby.
The same is true of our dreams. They require nurturing in the form of thinking of our dream often, reading it and whatever daily practice we implement to create momentum and a vibration match for what we say we what. Yet we will often feel that things are not happening fast enough when it comes to our dream. In fact a very common cause of failure in this area occurs; giving up when experiencing temporary setbacks.
If something doesn’t happen right away or on our timetable we can invoke this powerful LAW as we understand there is simple more we need to do or understand.
Often our dream might just about be ready to break through and manifest like a seed that has sprouted and is almost broken through the soil. We do not get upset when we plant corn seeds and What can we do as we anticipate our dream coming to fruition?
· We can create daily practices to keep on track
· We can also increase the intensity of our desire for our dream
· We can ask powerful questions and listen for answers
· We can visualize more often and speak about our dream as if it is already here
· We can use our intuition to guide us to our next steps
· We can focus our efforts by using our WILL effectively
· We can increase our faith through study and obedience to these LAWS
· We can increase our expectancy in our desired good knowing it already exists