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The Law of Compensation
Taken from a book collaborated by myself, Sharon Coody and Michael Smith - The Twelve Profitable Laws of the Universe
8/19/20245 min read
Taken from a book collaborated by myself, Sharon Coody and Michael Smith - The Twelve Profitable Laws of the Universe
While doing research for this book, there was a basic consensus of what the twelve universal laws are and then there are many optional lists. One writer we researched even wrote about the 12 Universal Laws and the 21 Sub Laws. No wonder people can be confused!!
What about when you are trying to share and grow with another individual or group of people and you are working from the assumption that you are on the same wave length. I bet if you asked them, you would find out their list of Universal Laws are not the same as yours. Our objective was to simplify the concepts and to provide simple, practical ways to apply these concepts to make our lives what we want them to be. For each of the twelve laws, we have included specific questions, suggestions, and exercises to help you achieve YOUR goals, both spiritual and physical, with regard to the activities and situations in your life which are governed by that law.
The Sixth Law: Law of Compensation
The Universal Law is the Law of Cause and effect applied to blessings and abundance that are provided for us in material and emotional forms. The Law of Compensation is the visible effects of our deeds, actions given to us in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships and blessings.
The law of compensation is in operation everywhere it is Nature's phenomena. The seed breaks and a sapling tree appear from the seed. The tree emerges in accordance with the law of compensation. Fire is created with fuel burns and is destroyed. The heat generated the flame with which to cook food or warm the body is the compensation from the action. If there is drought in one part of the earth there is flooding in another. Multiple individuals causing grief by harming others are offset by multiple individuals offering love and warmth. This is the Law of Compensation in action, the universes way of systems and balance. Day flows into night, summer into fall, fall into winter, and so on. When water is heated to boiling point the water turns into steam. This steam may be used to clean, or even propel an engine to move. Compensation is the result of action or attitude expressed.Every answer had a question, every effect has a cause, each result has a antecedent. There is perfect balance between the cause and effect, between the action and consequence. The law of compensation maintains symmetry, keeps up the balance, and establishes peace, generates concord, aligns the equilibrium, producing harmony and justice in Nature. Think deeply. Reflect and digest. You will notice that this law of compensation is operating beautifully everywhere in Nature. It is a relentless inexhaustible law. To attempt to defy this immutable and irresistible law is to deny yourself breath.Present life is fleeting, a cloud moving across the horizon when compared with the soul-life. This physical life is material, a mere fragment in the space of time. The Law of Compensation is the culmination of the other universal laws in action / reaction. Whenever you desire to know or find the reason for what you have received simply take a moment and reflect upon what it is that you are giving to this world. To determine the cause or antecedent for anything, you may have to go deep into the affairs of the eternal soul-life. Look within the psyche of your spirit, are you receiving what you desire? If not, the answer is within. This law embraces a huge range of emotional, physical, spiritual, and intellectual viewpoints. Achieving balance between the compensation and the action is the first step to creating the compensation of your desires. Consider a wide range of perspectives, life can at times be intricately complicated or simple and flow with ease. The perfect solution, one that is satisfactory and acceptable is the answer that brings you peace, joy, and prosperity. The more an individual wines, argues, debates, or laments the more frequent will be the compensation energy. Therefore, find the peace, the joy, the love, the unity in actions, thoughts, and deeds, reaping the blessing of Divine Compensation.
The Law of Compensation is the Universal Law that helps us to understand abundance. This law shows that there is plenty for all, that each and everyone will receive in measure a return for the energy given. If you are living your life by following your purpose for the higher good of all, then all is abundantly available to you so that you may walk the path. Whatever is given is also received, love attracts love, joy builds joy, peace fosters peace, this is the return of investment, the actual level of compensation. To fully enact this law is to first learn to Love yourself in doing so you will be able to love others more fully. Always strive to share and give within your means, if you have $100.00 to donate you can’t donate $150.00 likewise if you have 4 hours to offer you can’t offer 5 hours. Stay within your means, in doing so your means (the amount you have to offer) will increase exponentially.
In general terms you have to be able to give to yourself and to others while keeping a balance in your life. Be able to give and receive with gratitude understanding that you are loved by the universe. All your needs are met and exceeded, completely provided for when we simply allow it. Have fun, enjoy the giving and receiving. Treat self and others with love and kindness and this is what you will receive in return. Balance in giving and receiving is the key to abundance in life.
The design of this law is to bring to our consciousness the realization of our actions, the omissions and commissions, the duality of our being in both positive and negative polarities. Its main purpose is to compensate for the errors and wrongs we have committed as well as from the good or benefits which we have provided for others. When we become conscious of the positive or negative attributes of our lives, the Law of Compensation has been reached. Once the good which we have done has been realized, the law ceases to operate until the next episode. You may think that you do not deserve the type of compensation, or that you haven’t been compensated properly however: this law is the effect of all cause.
What really is the Law of Compensation: KARMA possibly? In simple words the Law of Compensation is that group of principles which take into account our thoughts and actions in any incarnation from where a Cosmic judgment is rendered according to the results of our thoughts and actions, our deeds and misdeeds - the principle of duality in action. This is not a law of retribution, payback or retaliation, it does not cause suffering and neither does it in its positive aspects pay joy. The suffering or joy is direct reflections of inner self.
Some people fear KARMA as an act of retribution it is not. The compensation is instant and reflective to that actions and attitudes portrayed. KARMA is impersonal, it is not the monster that some may envision, it is the Law of Compensation.